Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Thrift Scores!

Elena took me to the Flea market at the rosebowl in Pasadena a couple of weekends ago. I got my dream of a cake carrier for 10 dollars, in PINK...thanks to Elena's sharp eye, and also a cute yellow tin with handles - also - 10 bucks...Finally I got some cool keys for 50 cents each...what a score! I had a total blast!

I added ribbons last night, fun huh? I also put my ribbons inside and going through them made me use one on a necklace charm that I had been meaning to put on a ribbon, but could never get around to it...this is a very motivational tin :)


Anonymous said...

Love the cake carrier!

RollerScrapper said...

btw it's even better with cupcakes in it :)