Sunday, August 21, 2011

Catch a Wave Quilt top.

Catch a wave, quilt top 3

Catch a wave, quilt top 3
This is my third quilt top, I call it "catch a wave" The pink surfboard scraps were given to me and I added the gen and blue fabric which I bought at walmart. My favorite is the blue because it had sparkles in it!

For the backing I bought a throw blanket at costco for $13.99. it is double sided minky, and is 60x70. So that's nearly 4 yards of fabric for the price of one! I can't wait to try out my new feet, I got a walking and a darning foot from sew pros. Surf's up!

a quickr pickr post


mo.honey said...

Yay quilts! One day, I'll have to ask you what a foot is.. regardless, double-sided minky sounds so plush and lovely!

Anonymous said...

Looks good Jen!

Elizabeth-FlourishInProgress said...

third? holy smokes. weren't you on your first when i saw you recently? YOU ARE ON FIRE!

breakmydreams said...

Very cute :)