Thursday, October 14, 2010

Halloween Jars

Halloween jars
I'm so ready for Halloween! I wanted to put candy corn in my apothecary jars, but I figured people might be grossed out about loose candy. I told the captain I wanted something like chocolate eyeballs. He laughed. We went to Vons and lo and behold! Creepy Peepers! Exactly how I pictured them! And they are quite tasty too!

a quickr pickr post


Alison said...

So, so cute and good job for the Captain in finding those eyeballs! They complete the whole look.

mo.honey said...

Wow, those chocolate eyeballs with those labels in the apothecary jars look way better than I could have imagined! Amazing how you pictured the eyeballs and *poof*, they came true. I have to admit, I chock it up to your knack of winning things. :)

RollerScrapper said...

At least I didn't imagine them and then they showed up in the giving *that* would be eerie :)

But that's a whole other post for a whole other time :)

AT said...

Very the eyeballs....

Amanda said...

Very cute idea! Love the jars.